
Synepuxent Rod & Gun Club Inc.
Newsletter March 2019

The booth at the Ocean City Boat Show was success. The members volunteering sold $950 raffle tickets and made many contacts for possible members of our Club. The show had an attendance of over 16,000. This was a record for attendance at the Ocean City Boat Show that has been going on for 36 years. A big thank you goes out to the following members who volunteered their time to make our booth a success for our Club: Mike Dailey, Grayson Mayne, Tom Roberts, John Codd, Bill Grimes, Bob Maggio John Dilworth, Ken Hahn, Jim Mirkulski, Fred Walter, Jeff Gray, Dave Stiller, Lew Frey, and Bob Murray.

The membership to our Club is at a new high of 160 members. It seems that we are getting more members to approve at each Board Meeting.  This is great news, since most clubs and organizations are showing a decline in membership. If you have not paid your membership dues for 2019, you will be receiving a self-addressed envelope to mail your dues to the Club. Please send them in asap to be put back on the membership list.

New slanted flat roofs will be installed and concrete work will be done at each field as soon as it stops raining. The ground is so saturated that a cement truck cannot be brought in without getting stuck in the mud. The Board voted at the last meeting and passed a motion to have the hill at the high house, skeet field, graded down to allow drainage so that the water will run away from that area. The cost is $1600. The alternative would be to bring in fill dirt at a cost of $2700.

There is an important Board meeting and Membership meeting on March 12th . We will be holding an election of officers and board members. At the present time, there are openings for a Vice president and a Secretary. They must serve on the Board for at least one year to be nominated. If you wish to become a Board member you need to be a member for one year. If you are interested in of the above positions, leave your name with the member in charge or contact a board member or Joe Schanno or Ray Thompson.

The ATA shoots will held on April 14, May 5, September 28, and October 13. We are going to need scorekeepers. Please contact me at if you would like more information on how to score. It is not rocket science, you need to be able to see and make a mark on a score sheet. A few times of keeping score for shooters practicing at the club will help. Let Lew Frey know asap.

There will be a sign-up sheet on bulletin board for jobs that are needed to be done at the ATA shoots.


On Saturday, March 30th, 2019, we will have a cleanup day.  The rain date is the following Saturday, April 6, 2019.  Many tasks need to be completed to get us ready for the spring and summer shooting seasons and our first ATA shoot on April 7, 2019.  I have presented a list of tasks below.  If you are willing to take on a task, you can complete the work on your own schedule or on our cleanup date.  Simply give me a call or text at 410-991-3360 or send an email to  The tasks not selected will be those that we will tackle on Saturday, March 30th, at 9:30 am.  We will work until lunch time.  The lunch will be provided to participants by our Club.  Please sign up for something.  The job is not overwhelming if we work together.

  1. Pick up fallen limbs around the clubhouse and the area between the clubhouse and the shooting fields.
  2. Empty the ash from the cardboard burner and spread the ash around the perimeter of the cardboard burner.  Rake some of the area to contain any embers.
  3. Burn cardboard.
  4. Burn fallen limbs that our currently stacked by our cardboard burner.  
  5. Weed whack around all the tree bases between the driveway and the shooting area.
  6. Weed whack the ditch: between driveway and shooting area and clubhouse and driveway.
  7. Weed whack around all the trap, skeet and 5 stand houses including the skeet walls.
  8. Weed whack under the #5 stand, #7 and the electrical box by the skeet field.
  9. Spray weed killer around all the trap houses as well as the 5 stand shooting boxes and houses.
  10. Clean garage gutters.
  11. Put 24 boxes of targets in trap houses 1-4 and 15 boxes in trap house #5.
  12. Put 12 boxes of targets in skeet high house lower section and put 7 boxes in the high house higher section and 7 boxes in the low house.
  13. Put 5 boxes of targets in each of the 7 shooting station of the 5 Stand.
  14. Help Jeff Schnader with power edging all the trap and skeet field lanes.
  15. Empty trash from all of the shooting stations.
  16. Clean bathrooms.
  17. Dust the ceiling edges and corners of the clubhouse.
  18. Wash all the tables in the clubhouse with disinfectant.
  19. Mop the clubhouse floor.
  20. Clean the clubhouse counter and food area including the microwave, stove and dishes. Also, clean the grill.
  21. Blow out the garage.
  22. Blowout broken pieces of target in all of the houses.

***We have one power edger and one weed whacker.  We also have a tank to spay weed killer as well as a ladder to do the garage roof. 

Gun Raffle:

 We are raffling a Henry lever action 22 mag rifle.  Larry’s Trading Post has paid for our tickets and helped with the price of the gun. The cost of the tickets are $5 for one ticket or 6 tickets for $20.  The gun will be raffled on March 9, 2019.  As of today’s date, February 20, 2019, we have paid for the gun and have $875.  All proceeds will go toward the budget to pay for needed gravel for the driveway and to help pay for the roofs covering the trap shooting areas.  Please support our club by buying tickets at the clubhouse by the sign in sheet.

Check out our website at SGRC or Synepuxent Rod & Gun Club for more information about what is going on at the Club.